“PZU Lietuva gyvybės draudimas” is a company  founded in 2001, providing life insurance services, and since 2004 acting as a representative of the PZU brand in Lithuania.

The main shareholder of UAB “PZU Lietuva gyvybės draudimas” is PZU S.A., the largest insurance company in Central and Eastern Europe, which controls 99.338% of the company’s shares. PZU Group is one of the oldest and largest insurance groups in Poland with a wide variety of insurance and financial solutions. PZU Group’s insurance activity dates back to 1803.

In 2014, the non-life insurance company AB “Lietuvos draudimas” joined the PZU group.

The largest insurance risks are reinsured with one of the world’s largest reinsurance companies, Munich Re (Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft) and RGA International Reinsurance Company LTD, which have a very strong (AA-) rating according to the assessment of the Standard & Poor’s agency.